Business opportunities in France
For the first time ever, investors find Paris more attractive than London. This is one of the first things you’ll notice when reading EY’s annual attractiveness rankings. But that’s not all: France grew to third place in number of investment projects among European countries; 81% of business leaders are reportedly satisfied by France; over half of them think that its attractiveness is only going to get better in the coming years…
Needless to say, France is doing quite well, right now. But where does this sudden love for France come from?
The international landscape:
Over these past months, investors have been more and more worried about the sudden rise in protectionism. In particular, the United States seems to be increasingly adamant about restricting the entry of foreign good on its territory, and a “no-deal” Brexit is more plausible now than ever.
In this context, the French president Emmanuel Macron’s constant emphasis on business and globalization stands out. Not to mention, all the uncertainty about the future of the United Kingdom means that investors and business creators need to find another country if they want access to the European market, and France is one of the prime candidates.
Domestic reforms:
On top of that, in the first half of 2018, there has been a wave of pro-business reforms under Emmanuel Macron’s term. For example, paperwork for creating a company is starting to get simplified, there’s a new program to give visas to entrepreneurs, public funding for company creators is increasing… And let’s not forget that the corporate tax is going to go from 33% to 25% by 2022!
As such, at a time when investors need a new country to invest in, France is making efforts to look more attractive than ever. Evidently, it would be a good idea for company creators to start seriously considering France as the place to set up their business in!