Category: 3 Run your company

Business insights and articles written by our team of world-class professionals

Time to file corporate accounts

What happens in France if corporate accounts are filed late?

Filing corporate accounts is a legal obligation in France. As such, in order to avoid any legal trouble, you should always make sure that your company files them on time.
However, what happens to you, as director, if for one reason or another, you can’t make it?

Seasonal employment jobs

Seasonal employment in France: all you must know

Seasonal work refers to employment contracts that have a fixed duration, and that repeat themselves every year. In France, this type of contract is possible! However, there are a couple of rules it must follow.

Legal working hours

Extra hours in France: what obligations do employers have?

“Extra hours” refers to hours employees do that their employment contracts don’t account for. These can be particularly helpful if there’s a sudden spike in activity, especially since it tends to be a lot cheaper than hiring another worker.

Can my personal civil liability insurance cover professional risks?

In France, every citizen has what’s known as civil liability. Basically, it means that if you, or someone you are responsible for ever causes someone else harm, then you’re going to have to compensate the other party somehow. Thankfully, there exists insurance to protect you from that.

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