The top 10 reasons for doing business in France
Brexit: Top 10 reasons to start YOUR business in France now.
- Defeat the Brexit: stay in Europe, the world’s largest economy with more than 500 million consumers.
- Avoid the Brexit risks of possible restrictions on the free movement of goods and services but also capital (taxes) and individuals (Visa) within the EU.
- Registering your company in France is an advantage now. Thanks to the 2004 simplification act for running companies and the single individual social declaration, French companies are saving billions.
- Cut your production costs in France with The Competitiveness and Employment Tax Credit (CICE).
- Join us and register your company in 5 days! The official paperwork is done for you. We deliver the necessary support to launch your company with confidence. Save your time, leave the complexity to our experts.
- You do not need to be European resident to set up your company.
- Paris remains the cheapest to run your busines among the wolrdwide top 20 business cities
- Escape Brexit, and feel at home: France offers all similar legal structures as in the UK: Limited liability partnership, sole trader, limited company, limited partnership etc.
- Our Company Formation Packs include:
- Bank referral.
- Chartered accountant quotation to run your bookkeeping and tax filing.
- Registered address from authorized and approved agent.
- Free assistance throughout the registration process and beyond!
- What you get:
- Enjoy the French side of life: Paris is world #1 business hub and business conferences.
- France is #1 in tourism delighting visitors.
- High-end infrastructures.
- Breathtaking places.
- The world-class culture and food.
- Employment opportunities for spouses.
- Enough space for the construction of office buildings.
- Many international schools.
The 3 scenarios for the Brexit, from the best to the worst.
Three scenarios are considered by the authors of a study revealed by Buzzfeed. The first refers to a comprehensive free trade agreement with the EU that would result in a 5-point decline in UK growth over the next 15 years. The second is that of a total absence of an agreement. The British would then return to the rules of the World Trade Organization and see their growth slow by 8 points over the same period. Finally, maintaining access to the common market would be the most “attractive” option since it would cause a 2% drop in GDP.
Possible impact on currencies.
The pound has lost 20% against the dollar and 14% against the euro since the Brexit vote. The big winners of this depreciation are the multinationals of the FTSE-100 who conclude their business in dollars or euros and benefit from a positive currency effect. (AFP)